Ensure good ventilation during use. Use at temperatures above +10 °C. Do not use on hot surfaces. Thoroughly wash headlights and mask. Optional (sanding): In case of heavily damaged headlamps, they can be sanded beforehand. For this, attach the P1000 sanding pad to the SONAX P-Ball and wet sand the headlamp. Then refine the sanding pattern with the P2000 sanding pad and wipe with a cloth. Polishing: Now, apply SONAX Headlight Polish onto the SONAX Lambswool Pad and polish out thoroughly with a rotary polishing machine or the P-Ball until the plastic is clear. Check on the temperature and observe short polishing times! Afterwards, remove polish residue with a SONAX Microfibre Cloth soft touch. Sealing: Apply SONAX PROFILINE Headlight Coating onto a clean SONAX Polishing Cloth and apply thinly to the headlamp. Remove excess product with a SONAX Microfibre Cloth soft touch. Allow product to harden for approx. 4 hour; make sure the vehicle does not get wet during this time. Do not wash the vehicle for a week. Important: do not use highly alkaline cleaners, as these may attack the protective layer.
PLEASE NOTE: Protect against frost.